LMS Course Enroll Notice – Summer 2024
Publish Date : June 4, 2024

LMS Course Enroll – Summer 2024

This is to notify all UIU students that if the students have completed their registration by June 02, 2024, they are enrolled in their courses on eLMS automatically.

Students, who have registered after June 02, 2024 or changed any section, will not be automatically enrolled in their courses. They have to enroll in their course(s) using enrollment Key 1234 (Default Key for all courses).

Instructions to enroll the course manually

  • Login to the eLMS (
  • Enter the Course Code of your registered course in the Search Box, i.e.: CSE 323, BST 2216, EEE 105
  • You will find the list of courses with the section name
  • Click on your registered section and you will be asked for an enrolment key. Default Enrolment key for all courses: 1234

[If the default enrolment key does not work, please request your course teacher to provide the key]