Appointment of Faculty Coordinators for UIU Alumni
Publish Date : August 25, 2024

This is for information of all concerned that the United International University (UIU) has appointed the following members of the UIU faculty as Faculty Coordinators for UIU alumni:

  1. Suman Ahmmed, Associate Professor, Department of CSE and Director (CDIP)
    Mobile Phone Number: +8801765049901/+8801199816555
  2. Mohammad Behroz Jalil, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics
    Mobile Phone Number: +8801711113240

Terms of Reference of the Faculty Coordinators:

The Faculty Coordinators are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  1. Act, on behalf of UIU, as a coordinating point of contact for all the UIU alumni—at home and abroad;
  2. Liaise with the UIU alumni on all matters that may have impacts on UIU’s and its alumni’s academic as well as research and employment-related issues;
  3. Prepare a comprehensive data base on the UIU alumni; and
  4. Keep the UIU authorities updated on their activities from time to time.

All UIU alumni, at home and abroad, are requested to kindly cooperate with the Faculty Coordinators with a view to gradually build a robust Association of UIU Alumni (AUIUA) in the shortest possible time.

Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Kashem Mia
Vice Chancellor